The relevance of huge resources of Design Patterns…
I was going through the enormous database of the UI Design Patterns. Its been posted on our intranet and meant to be refereed by designers.
While going through them I asked myself “who read all these?? Do people have patience to read all this and then design?? OR can someone actually read them and design??”. There would be around hundreds of patterns in the library… but are they helpful?? Is creating a huge about of articles or files the right way…isn’t this library losses its relevance as it grows huge?? So how should these material be build so that not only do they are allowed to expand but also remain easily usable…
I guess we the user researches need to research on our own resources and make them more effective to use. The objective/need of a pattern library is absolutely unquestionable – “to bring consistency and create a knowledge bank of items for reference”. But by simply creating a library are we able to solve this objective?
I guess an application which can “push” relevant articles/pattern for reference or an effective search system build for UI could be one of the ways to effectively use our own knowledge bank…using a knowledge bank is EQUALLY important than just creating it…else it kills the purpose. So no fun in creating, spending and making effort for a system that can not be used…
The learning – understand the user, visualize the effect of scalability on the system and last but not the least ‘define an OBJECTIVE to a system’. And make sure the solution addresses the objectives.
With better focus come better design ;)
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